Is the Organic Directory of WA free to join?

Yes. Any Certified Organic business or business in Western Australia that sells products or services that are certified organic can sign up to the directory for free.

How do I sign up to the directory?
Great question! Simply follow these 4 steps:
1) On the home page click the green (+ Add a Business) button.
2) Click ‘Sign up’.
3) Enter your ‘Email’ & create a ‘Password’ and agree to the conditions of the site.
4) Complete the form and click ‘Submit’. All done!
Visit our ‘Help Center where you will find all our video tutorials.

Note: The best profile picture size for this directory is 250 x 250 pixels. Format JPEG or PNG is fine.

Will my business be listed straight away?
We (COBWA) will firstly review your submitted listing. Once approved your business will then appear!
Please note this review process can take up to 14 days depending on the volume of submissions.

How can I edit my listing?
To edit your listing you can simply do that anytime by clicking the green “Pencil” and then click ‘Login’.
After entering your login details, you will be able to edit your business listing.
Visit our ‘Help Center where where you will find all our video tutorials.

What is a featured listing?
A featured listing means your business will appear top of the directory and will also be featured on the directory home page. Aside from standing out, your business will secure the highest level of brand exposure across our site.